Outdoor Activities & Adventures Marbella

Place: Hotel gardens, Beach, private property, etc...

Difficulty: suitable for all the public

Duration: 2–3h

Group Size: Min. 30 pax / max. 300 pax

Required: Comfortable clothes

Language: Spanish, English, French

Availability: all year around


an intriguing activity at the beach

We are inviting you to take a journey back to your childhood days - and rediscover the playfulness of the child in you! But this is PLAY with a purpose. The Sand Castle Challenge is an intriguing activity that allows teams to build on the dreams they have for their organization. You would be able to see values of ownership, creativity, responsibility and systems thinking being displayed in the sands of thought.

This activity is done at the beach. Each team is given a bucket of different sandcastle building supplies. The teams are given a set of rules (like: winning extra materials by doing team challenges) and a specific topic, and then are given time to design, build and decorate their sandcastles. Teams are judged on appearance, structure and height.

  • Setting & coordination
  • Insurance
  • Professional instructors
  • All needed material
  • Lisence & permission
  • Foto reportage
  • Video
  • Bus transfer
  • BBQ final

Photo Gallery